3-Sided PFP Protection of Structural Beams – Position Paper

We would like to thank representatives from Carboline, Gexcon, Hempel, International Paint, Isolatek, JGC, Jotun, MMI Thornton Tomasetti, PFP Specialists, PPG, Promat, Sherwin Williams, Technip FMC, UL, and WarringtonFire for their assistance in developing and reviewing this position paper. It is the position of PFPNet, and its members, that the practice of leaving top surfaces

3-Sided PFP Protection of Structural Beams – Position Paper 2025-01-22T09:00:30+00:00

Introducing our Tunnels Technical Subcommittee

PFPNet’s Steering Committee has approved the formation of a new Technical Subcommittee relating to tunnels. PFPNet member Efectis suggested introducing this subcommittee within PFPNet after a number of industry stakeholders stated that passive fire protection matters should be addressed in the same fashion as active fire protection in tunnels, which is well supported and already

Introducing our Tunnels Technical Subcommittee 2025-01-22T09:00:31+00:00