

Sherwin-Williams is a global provider of protective and marine coatings, offering a complete line of high performance coatings technologies to combat corrosion. We deliver unmatched service and coatings specification support to meet our customers’ coatings needs.

Geographic Coverage

  • North America
  • UK
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • Africa
  • China

Markets Served

  • Marine
  • Oil & Gas
  • Petrochemical

Product Details

ControlTech™ Tank Linings, Secondary Containment and Corrosion Control Systems

Advanced technology coating systems for tank linings, secondary containment and corrosion control.  The family of coatings includes low VOC, high performance coatings engineered for use on concrete or steel tanks, floors, drains, clarifiers, sumps and slabs.  Included are thin film systems, medium film systems, laminate systems, mortar systems and mortar laminate systems.

High Temperature/Coatings Under Insulation

Sherwin-Williams offers a comprehensive line of ambient and heat-cured high temperature resistant coatings for stacks and boilers in a wide variety of colors. We also offer corrosion resistant products that resist cyclical wet/dry high temperature and corrosion environments for piping requiring Coatings Under Insulation (CUI).

Opti-Check™ Optically Activated Pigments

This technology allows tank lining applicators to instantly identify pinholes, thin spots or any other discontinuities using safe UV light.  OAP virtually extends the coatings life by verifying uniform coverage and proper film thickness, eliminating coating application issues.


  • Planning and forecasting
  • Needs evaluation
  • Specifications
  • Protective coatings and lining recommendations


Roger Williams, Global Director (FIRETEX) – based in the UK

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