
Members Required for PFPNet Testing and Certification Guidance Document Technical Subcommittee

PFPNet is assembling a team to oversee the development of its next guidance document on Testing and Certification as it relates to fireproofing systems used in hydrocarbon facilities.  The Testing and Certification Guidance Document was voted for by the PFPNet Members as the next most important guidance document required by Industry.

Purpose of the Document

It will provide clarity on the differences between the currently available test methods and standards used as part of the approvals process for fireproofing systems, and identify the applicability of the available standards in representing real scenarios and hazards that could be encountered on a facility.  The document will also consider non-fire related aspects of testing and certification, such as explosion and environmental testing, reviewing and comparing the available standards and methods and guiding the user towards selection of the most appropriate methods for a given set of conditions.

This document will explain how systems and materials gain approval for use on projects where hydrocarbon fires are a hazard.   This will explain the process of Certification, Type Approval and Design Assessment, and look at how the main Certifying Bodies undertake this process and where differences occur in how data is treated and test methods are applied.  For each of the different fireproofing technology types and systems it will propose a consistent, clear, set of information that should be presented on a Certificate so that a user can be certain that the system has undergone a process that demonstrates its suitability for the situation that is to be protected against.


The drafting work will be undertaken by a subcontractor, and part of your responsibility as a member of the Testing and Certification Technical Subcommittee is to help develop the proposed contents page of the document, identify a suitable subcontractor, and then manage the development of the document through to the final production.

Registering your Interest

If you are a Member of PFPNet and would like to be part of the development of this guidance document, and you have opinions and suitable experience that you can bring to the work, then please register your interest with .

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