
PFPNet Business Case

PFPNet is aiming to become the organisation that will set the standard for knowledge and competency across projects and operations on hydrocarbon and chemical facilities where fireproofing is used as a mitigation measure. By joining PFPNet you will be an important part of this drive to grow a forward-looking, global, industry organisation that represents your discipline.

Download the business case for PFPNet to find out:

  • Why the organisation was developed
  • What you need to do to join
  • What you can expect to contribute to

The PFPNet Competency Framework lays out stakeholder expectations when it comes to the levels of knowledge and competency for all disciplines involved in fireproofing of industrial facilities. PFPNet will have achieved its aims when the PFPNet Competency Framework, and the supporting guidance, training and accreditation, is mandated by owners and other significant stakeholders as a requirement for projects and operations.

To push this competency framework forward with other leading researchers, testers, installers and manufacturers – join us now!

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