
PFPNet Design Guidance Book No 1: PFP for Critical Process Control Equipment

One of the 2023 project commitments from PFPNet is to start the development of the Guidance Books that will define the procedures for the testing, assessment, classification, specification and end use of passive fire protection (PFP) systems used in the hydrocarbon sector.  They will be applicable for all the types of PFP systems that are used in the hydrocarbon sector.  

It is planned to produce a series of these books for various end use (for steelwork, critical process control equipment, penetration sealing, vessels and pipework, etc).  The first of these books will be for the PFP systems used to protect Critical Process Control Equipment (CPCE). 

PFPNet, with the approval of the PFPNet Steering Committee, has appointed Ian Bradley to write this first document.  Ian is proposing that the work is done in conjunction with a Certification Authority and an OEM supplier.  Ian drafted the CPCE PFP fire resistance test standard, so he can reflect its intended use in this Guidance Book.    

If you would like to be involved with this work, please contact

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