
Successful Launch of PFPNet in Houston, Texas

On Wednesday 15th February, Simon Thurlbeck and Graham Boaler introduced The Hydrocarbon Passive Fire Protection Network (PFPNet) to a number of Operators, EPCs, Manufacturers, Fabricators and Consultants in Houston, Texas.  Over 50 representatives from companies such as Shell, Bechtel, Dow, Marathon Oil, BP, Jotun Paints, Carboline, PPG, Sherwin-Williams and Promat attended, with many commenting that the group was exactly what the industry needed right now.  It is anticipated that membership will grow in the coming weeks, and companies that have signed up to PFPNet so far include:-

  • Promat
  • HSE
  • Advanced Insulation
  • Jotun Paints
  • Sherwin Williams
  • Woodside
  • Trelleborg
  • Hempel
  • Perenco

If you would like to receive more information surrounding PFPNet, please contact us.

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