
Introducing our Tunnels Technical Subcommittee

PFPNet’s Steering Committee has approved the formation of a new Technical Subcommittee relating to tunnels.

PFPNet member Efectis suggested introducing this subcommittee within PFPNet after a number of industry stakeholders stated that passive fire protection matters should be addressed in the same fashion as active fire protection in tunnels, which is well supported and already represented in an existing industry group. Starting a separate industry group to deal with passive fire protection in tunnels would require a lot of work, especially when it comes to creating a structure in which to operate. As PFPNet already has that structure in place, and is dealing with similar issues, we feel a Technical Subcommittee is the best way to move forward in this area.

Some of the issues to be tackled by the subcommittee include:

  • Fire scenarios
  • Trade-off discussions, related to active versus passive protection
  • Smoke and toxicity (of products emitted from passive protection),
  • Product qualification
  • Installation
  • Maintenance

The new group will be a distinct subcommittee working to the same rules and procedures as any other subcommittee within PFPNet and will be under the governance of the existing Steering Committee.

If you are a member of PFPNet with an interest in fire protection in tunnels and would like to propose yourself or a colleague to participate in this new subcommittee, please contact John Dunk:

If you are yet to become a member of PFPNet and would like to learn how to put your company forward, please click here.

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